The Third Wish - Credits

Technical and Artistic Realization

Screenplay Job Michiel van Zuijlen
Direction and Animation Job Michiel van Zuijlen
Soundtrack Design Job Michiel van Zuijlen

Voice Talent (in order of appearance)

Walter Pinhead Dennis H. (justaviking)
Genie Eugene Ott Phomsopha*
Troll Job van Zuijlen
Carl Keith Hayden*
Xandra Chrissy Hayden*
Agent Feisal Hussein Jeanne Trabulsi*
GIA Director Jeanne Trabulsi*
Junior Agent Job van Zuijlen

Voices marked with a '*' were recorded in the Audio Room of Arlington Independent Media, in Arlington, VA. The voice recordings were then further processed to simulate the environment in which the dialog is spoken.

3D Models and Environment

The original Pinhead character was conceived by the Committee for the Advancement of Walter Phineas Pinhead. See for an archive of all things Pinhead.

The main characters were created with RL Character Creator, including an updated Pinhead.

Main character design Job van Zuijlen
Minor characters Reallusion (RL), Third-party developers
Environment and set design Job van Zuijlen
Set assets RL, Third-party developers, 3D Warehouse
Miscellaneous RL, Third-party developers

Non-iClone content was converted using RL 3DXchange. The film was animated using Reallusion iClone 6.

Sound Effects and Foley

A number of sounds in the film have been acquired through Sounds may have been edited or processed further to fit the film. Occasionally, sounds will have been combined to arrive at the final effect. The table below lists for each sound the ID, creator, and file name.

FS ID Creator Sound File
207143 ahill86 roughsea
246250 andreangelo water-faucet-hq-stereo
83634 arithni clothing-rustle
173877 bencarey saving_one_penny
95886 cmusounddesign etl-cat-explodes
160741 cosmicembers body-fall-1
146932 crashoverride61088 wind-gust
138068 daboy291 2-footsteps_carpet-floor
262830 derserwas car-traffic
52177 dj-chronos moaning-wipe-005 [in “wailing and moaning”]
121288 dkaufman sorento-interior-35mph
317478 drkvixn91 breathless-panting-2
204016 duckduckpony clothing-shirtsandpants-rustling
30264 erh anguis [in “wailing and moaning”]
36757 erh ghostly-voices [in “wailing and moaning”]
240847 fliwatt tapping-fingers-nervously
19870 fogma bar-atmosphere-not-so-busy
78389 inchadney seagulls
123007 j1987 frontdoorclose
195574 jacobalcook door-bedroom-soft
203046 jjhouse4 walking-boots-into-mud_low_compr
147264 kangaroovindaloo desert-night-air-with-bird-call
57293 karymronda ambiance-marche-final_reverb
162184 kasa90 blues-impro
119827 kbnevel carapproaching-asphalt-leaves
116121 klankbeeld car-passing-slow_L-to-R
91763 kyster town-square-in-varde-01_1min
76805 lg library-02-090724 [as air-conditioning sound]
141119 lliban steam-trap
52234 mookie182 snoring [as light snoring]
58318 morgantj walking_2
21870 nofeedback rainystreet
151208 owlstorm womens-shoes-2
35631 reinsamba crystal-glass
70225 robinhood76 00987-bus-diesel-passing-by-slow
51166 rutgermuller switch_reverb
46310 sagetyrtle 0105coffeehouse_with_jazz
196638 soundmary waves-and-wind
76848 tmc-zach door-creak-reverse_2
76848 tmc-zach door-creak-close
326016 vincepest11 ambiance-food-market
124058 volivieri parsian-car-pass-L-to-R
95655 xef6 tokyo-urban-ambiance
223173 yoyodaman234 7_metal-footsteps