The Third Wish - Credits
Technical and Artistic Realization
Screenplay | Job Michiel van Zuijlen |
Direction and Animation | Job Michiel van Zuijlen |
Soundtrack Design | Job Michiel van Zuijlen |
Voice Talent (in order of appearance)
Walter Pinhead | Dennis H. (justaviking) |
Genie Eugene | Ott Phomsopha* |
Troll | Job van Zuijlen |
Carl | Keith Hayden* |
Xandra | Chrissy Hayden* |
Agent Feisal Hussein | Jeanne Trabulsi* |
GIA Director | Jeanne Trabulsi* |
Junior Agent | Job van Zuijlen |
Voices marked with a '*' were recorded in the Audio Room of Arlington Independent Media, in Arlington, VA. The voice recordings were then further processed to simulate the environment in which the dialog is spoken.
3D Models and Environment
The original Pinhead character was conceived by the Committee for the Advancement of Walter Phineas Pinhead. See for an archive of all things Pinhead.
The main characters were created with RL Character Creator, including an updated Pinhead.
Main character design | Job van Zuijlen |
Minor characters | Reallusion (RL), Third-party developers |
Environment and set design | Job van Zuijlen |
Set assets | RL, Third-party developers, 3D Warehouse |
Miscellaneous | RL, Third-party developers |
Non-iClone content was converted using RL 3DXchange. The film was animated using Reallusion iClone 6.
Sound Effects and Foley
A number of sounds in the film have been acquired through Sounds may have been edited or processed further to fit the film. Occasionally, sounds will have been combined to arrive at the final effect. The table below lists for each sound the ID, creator, and file name.
FS ID | Creator | Sound File |
207143 | ahill86 | roughsea |
246250 | andreangelo | water-faucet-hq-stereo |
83634 | arithni | clothing-rustle |
173877 | bencarey | saving_one_penny |
95886 | cmusounddesign | etl-cat-explodes |
160741 | cosmicembers | body-fall-1 |
146932 | crashoverride61088 | wind-gust |
138068 | daboy291 | 2-footsteps_carpet-floor |
262830 | derserwas | car-traffic |
52177 | dj-chronos | moaning-wipe-005 [in “wailing and moaning”] |
121288 | dkaufman | sorento-interior-35mph |
317478 | drkvixn91 | breathless-panting-2 |
204016 | duckduckpony | clothing-shirtsandpants-rustling |
30264 | erh | anguis [in “wailing and moaning”] |
36757 | erh | ghostly-voices [in “wailing and moaning”] |
240847 | fliwatt | tapping-fingers-nervously |
19870 | fogma | bar-atmosphere-not-so-busy |
78389 | inchadney | seagulls |
123007 | j1987 | frontdoorclose |
195574 | jacobalcook | door-bedroom-soft |
203046 | jjhouse4 | walking-boots-into-mud_low_compr |
147264 | kangaroovindaloo | desert-night-air-with-bird-call |
57293 | karymronda | ambiance-marche-final_reverb |
162184 | kasa90 | blues-impro |
119827 | kbnevel | carapproaching-asphalt-leaves |
116121 | klankbeeld | car-passing-slow_L-to-R |
91763 | kyster | town-square-in-varde-01_1min |
76805 | lg | library-02-090724 [as air-conditioning sound] |
141119 | lliban | steam-trap |
52234 | mookie182 | snoring [as light snoring] |
58318 | morgantj | walking_2 |
21870 | nofeedback | rainystreet |
151208 | owlstorm | womens-shoes-2 |
35631 | reinsamba | crystal-glass |
70225 | robinhood76 | 00987-bus-diesel-passing-by-slow |
51166 | rutgermuller | switch_reverb |
46310 | sagetyrtle | 0105coffeehouse_with_jazz |
196638 | soundmary | waves-and-wind |
76848 | tmc-zach | door-creak-reverse_2 |
76848 | tmc-zach | door-creak-close |
326016 | vincepest11 | ambiance-food-market |
124058 | volivieri | parsian-car-pass-L-to-R |
95655 | xef6 | tokyo-urban-ambiance |
223173 | yoyodaman234 | 7_metal-footsteps |