Knock on Wood - Screenplay

Included below is the full screenplay for Knock on Wood. Each scene roughly corresponds to a separate iClone project.

               FADE IN:

               INT. FUNERAL HOME: CHAPEL - DAY

               A memorial service is underway. The deceased is in a closed
               casket placed in front. Present are several officiates and
               some family of the deceased.

               The MINISTER, a woman in her 40s, wears religious attire. Her
               CURATE is a man in his 30s. The FUNERAL DIRECTOR is in his
               50s. His ASSISTANT is a young woman in her 20s.

               The family comprises an ELDERLY WOMAN in her 70s, accompanied
               by a YOUNG WOMAN and a YOUNG MAN in their 20s. All three of
               them are dressed in black and somber looking.

               The minister stands behind a podium and faces the assembly.

                         We are gathered here today to
                         remember our beloved brother,
                             (looking at her notes)
                         Joseph Coltry, who left us so very

               A knocking is heard, but the acoustics of the chapel make it
               hard to pinpoint its origin.

               The minister looks around, shrugs, and continues.

                         Joseph was a good man, a pillar of
                         the Ratfort community, who will be
                         dearly missed...

               The knocking is louder now. The minister looks irritated. She
               stops and gestures for the curate to check the entrance door.
               The curate walks to the front and opens the door; there's no-
               one there. He returns and shakes his head.

                         Be comforted though, that he will
                         look down on those that remain, and
                         be with you in spirit...

               The knocking is now really loud. It's followed by the muffled
               voice of JOSEPH, seeming to come from the casket.

                         Open up, already!

               Startled, the minister approaches the casket.

                         Anybody there?

                         It's me, you bloody fools!

               The family gasps. The funeral director and his assistant come

                         Curate, get the doctor.

               The curate takes his phone out and calls.

               The funeral director turns to the minister.

                                   FUNERAL DIRECTOR
                         You better ask them to leave.

               The minister walks over to the family.

                         Please go. This may be unsettling.

               The elderly woman nods and the family leaves.

               Meanwhile, the curate finishes his call.

                         Yes, it's urgent. Thanks, doc.

               Some time later, footsteps announce someone approaching.

                                   FUNERAL DIRECTOR
                         There is doc. Let's get Joseph out.

               The funeral director and his assistant open the casket. While
               the lid opens, a platform inside the casket moves up, as to
               be level with the casket's lower rim. Joseph moves, sits up.

               The DOCTOR walks towards the casket, past the minister, who
               is folding her hands like in prayer.

                         A miracle...

               Joseph turns to sit on the side of the casket.

                         Shit! Ouch!!

               Exhausted, he lowers his head and closes his eyes.


               Joseph looks up and opens his eyes.

                         Oh... Doc...

               The doctor places a stethoscope on Joseph's chest.

                         Hmm. Strong... Nothing wrong...

                         Hah! Doctors...

               The doctor gets upset.

                         You were dead according to what I
                         could determine. No pulse, no

                         Better get your instruments
                         checked, doc.

               Joseph looks around with a smirk.

                         The family will be disappointed.
                         Well, vicar, young lady, gentlemen;
                         got to go...

               He walks away from the group.

                                   FUNERAL DIRECTOR
                         Hey! Who's paying for the funeral?

               Already near the exit, Joseph waves dismissively.

                         What funeral? Ask the family!

               He exits the chapel. The others look at each other.

                                   FUNERAL DIRECTOR


                         It's like Lazarus...

               INT. FUNERAL HOME: MORGUE - DAY

               SUPER: A week later

               In the morgue are a number of covered up bodies on rolling
               tables. One of the tables is at one side of the room, next to
               a sizeable, buzzing machine.

               The machine features a large horizonal cylinder, big enough
               for a human body. On the front it says "SOL Scanner". On the
               side is a console with a display and a control surface. The
               doctor is at the controls, the funeral director looks on.

               After a bit, the machine beeps and displays: "ALIVE!" The
               doctor presses a button on the control surface and out slides
               the assistant, who climbs of the platform.


                         You're alive. That's encouraging.

               The assistant shrugs.


               A dead body slides into the SOL Scanner.

               The doctor presses the START button. The machine begins to
               buzz and after a bit it stops with a beep. The display
               announces: "DEAD!"

                         It works! This should help.

                                   FUNERAL DIRECTOR
                         I hope so. I'm losing money. No-one
                         wants to pay for burying the
                         living. Plus, they are upset on
                         account of their inheritance.

                         I hear you. They want to sue me!

               INT. DOCTOR'S HOME: KITCHEN - DAY

               SUPER: Another week later

               The doctor is having breakfast with his WIFE. His attention
               is drawn to the main headline in the Ratfort Recorder, which
               he reads aloud.

                         Listen! "What's Up, Doc! Recent
                         Risings Rattle Ratfort!"

                He lowers the paper and looks up.

                         Four or five since the first one.
                         What are you going to do?

               The doctor shakes his head.

                         I have no idea. The new Signs of
                         Life Scanner doesn't help, and
                         people want certainty. Life is life
                         and death is death and never the
                         twain shall meet.

               He smiles at his wife.

                         But, it brings more people to
                         church and to funerals. Interments
                         are up and cremations are down.
                         Because you never know...

               INT. FUNERAL PARLOR - LATER

               In the mourning room stands an open casket containing a man
               by the name of JONAS LATTERBY. He seems dead.

               JOAN and LOIS, two elderly women in their 70s, are visiting.
               They take a peek.

                         He looks at peace...

                         Peaceful, yeah.

               Joan turns to Lois.

                         You had something with Jonas?

               Lois blushes and looks down.


                         Aha! There was something...

                         It's such a long time ago. We were
                         just out of school and bored...

                         I know the feeling. Did anything

               Lois stares at Joan in mock horror.

                         Joan, you're terrible! That's

               Joan smirks.

                         Not very private, the way you two
                         went at it.

               They laugh, masking a sound coming from the casket.

                         Anyway, I broke it off...

               Suddenly, Jonas jerks up.

                         That's not true! Lois, you begged
                         me to stay!

               They woman scream; Lois faints and falls flat on the floor.

               The funeral director runs in and surveys the remarkable

                                   FUNERAL DIRECTOR
                         What happened?

               Joan looks ashamed.

                         We were gossiping, showing little
                         respect. It must have made Jonas so
                         mad that he came back to get us!

               Joan looks forlorn.

               The funeral director calls the doctor.

                                   FUNERAL DIRECTOR
                             (On phone)
                         Doc, you better get over here to
                         the funeral parlor.

               INT. FUNERAL PARLOR - LATER

               The doctor takes the vitals of Jonas Latterby. Joan, Lois,
               and the funeral director watch.

               The doctor turns to the funeral director.

                         He's fine. So why did he seem dead?

               Jonas looks perturbed.

                         Doc, I'm right here...

                         Sorry, Jonas, occupational habit.
                         Tell me, what did it feel like to

               Jonas hesitates a moment, looking grim.

                         I just was asleep. A very deep
                         sleep --

               JONAS' VISION

               Jonas is trudging down what looks like a tunnel with moving
               shapes as walls and flashes of light.

                                   JONAS (O.S.)
                         I had a dream, walking through a
                         long tunnel... A very long, never-
                         ending tunnel.
                         I was surrounded by a glow and
                         strange moving shapes...

               BACK TO SCENE

               All are silent for a bit.

               Then, the funeral director brightens up.

                                   FUNERAL DIRECTOR
                         I have an idea. Joan, Lois, and
                         some of the other, uh... elderly
                         informants could be of help.

               INT. FUNERAL PARLOR - DAY

               SUPER: Yet another week later

               In a casket is THOMAS SAFFORD, lying very still indeed.

               We hear, but don't see, that the mourning room is lively,
               resembling a social gathering. Present are several ELDERLY
               LADIES; Joan and Lois among them.

                                   JOAN (O.S.)
                         Suddenly, there was Officer Perry.
                         And that was it for poor Thomas!

               Everyone bursts out laughing.

               While this is going on --

               TWIRLY TUNNEL

               Thomas trudges down what looks like a tunnel with rotating
               shapes and flashes of light. At first, the sound from the
               mourning room is audible, then fades away, and an eerie drone
               takes its place.

               Thomas continues and suddenly there is light. Bucolic scenery
               emerges. A young female GREETER is waiting.

                         Thomas, welcome!

               Thomas just stands there, uneasy.


                         Relax! No reason to be scared!

               Thomas loosens up a bit.


               BACK TO SCENE

               We now see that the elderly ladies are seated around the open
               casket. The funeral director and the doctor are standing
               behind them.

                         I think this will do. He sure is

               The others nod in agreement.

                         Still, the previous one came back
                         to life, so we are doing them a

               The funeral director looks the women over.

                                   FUNERAL DIRECTOR
                         Thank you ladies for your good
                         work. You've saved us from
                         embarrassment. All whom were to be
                         buried stayed in their casket.

               The doctor smiles encouraging.

                         Yes, thanks to you, they're really

               He taps on the casket

                         Knock... on... wood!

                                                              FADE OUT.

                                         THE END